

Day 36/108 || Vasana || Draw Happiness Experience

https://youtu.be/Cbati7SIIs4 https://www.kolampodu.com/2021/04/05/vasana-one-who-resides/ Project Draw HappinessEvery human desires happiness. For some, just looking at the sky brings happiness. Simple. A few others go to great lengths to...

TOP 25- Utppalakshi & Kolam Podu’s Annual Tamizh New Year – Win an Saree Contest

We take immense pleasure to announce the top 25 entires. I request all the shortlisted contestants to send high resolution images of their kolams,...

Day 31/108 || Anika || Draw Happiness Experience

https://youtu.be/0gdnp5f-Q_Q https://www.kolampodu.com/2021/03/31/anika-the-graceful-one/ Project Draw HappinessEvery human desires happiness. For some, just looking at the sky brings happiness. Simple. A few others go to great lengths to...

Artful Kolam Insights