Day 6/108 || Sathya || Draw Happiness Experience

Explore Enchanting Kolams!

Bhargavii Mani
Bhargavii Mani
Bhargavii Mani returned to Chennai in 2010 after a successful stint in design firms abroad. Recognizing a gap in Chennai's Corporate Design scene, she founded Bhargavii Mani & Consultants in 2011. Her expertise in creative arts and strategy led to a diverse clientele. Beyond branding, she excels in photography, interior design, and promoting traditional South Indian art through the Kolam Podu project.

We talked about stimulus and response. A positive stimulus like a compliment, a bonus, kind words, etc make our responses positive, energised and happy. Negative stimuli on the other hand like insults, toxicity, disappointments, rudeness, etc make us crumple from within. It is in those moments that we need to be extremely watchful of our responses. It is in these moments that we are extremely vulnerable. In that state we may take to addictions, like drinking, binge eating, binge shopping, etc, just to get our happy hormones work. In effect, it is all short term, and only makes us feel worse eventually.

How can we, at that point in time when negative stimuli hit us, take control of our responses? By drawing a kolam, of course. 

When we divert our energies on something that requires focus, and involves our complete mindfulness, we move away from that stimulus a bit. We calm ourselves, we see what we have accomplished in the form of a beautiful kolam, and then we are in a better space to choose our responses. Many a time, although the process is long, it lands us in a better space. And in it, in those moments of the right response, we have effectively saved ourselves from negative, harmful responses.

Draw Sathya, the truthful one. She will take you to a space of truth, from which responses are always right. 

About Draw Happiness


What really is it? Is it the lightness of the heart? A cheerful mood? A sense of contentment? Inner peace? Spring? The blue sky? A cruise? 

Whatever it is, it is something all of us seek. It is the basis on which every other emotion is built and experienced. Simply put, happiness is a decision. A choice. 

Kolam podu is an effort to gently nudge you to choose happiness. How? By committing to a happier space for the next 108 days, focusing on drawing simple sweet kolams, sharing with all of us, spreading happy thoughts, journaling and lots more. Happiness has a snowballing effect. And it begins with each one of us.

Let’s come together on this project, and draw happiness! 

Life is beautiful, if you choose for it to be. Until then Kolam Podu !

3 Years
Since posted

Finished since 1175 days, 13 hours and 48 minutes.



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