

Kolam and Brain Regions: Enhancing Cognitive Skills and Well-Being

The brain is a complex organ composed of different regions, each responsible for various functions. Drawing kolams can have positive effects on several brain...

Drawing Connections: The Synergy Between Kolam and Multiple Intelligences

Drawing kolams, also known as rangoli or muggulu, is a traditional form of art in India, particularly in South India. Kolams are intricate and...

The Sense of Touch in Kolam: Enhancing Tactile Sensations through Art

Tactile sensations refer to the perception and interpretation of touch sensations through the skin. Our skin is equipped with various sensory receptors that detect...

Kolam and Self-Perception: Fostering Self awareness & Empowerment

Self-perception refers to how individuals perceive and interpret themselves, including their thoughts, feelings, abilities, and characteristics. It involves forming judgments and beliefs about one's...

The Art of Self-Reflection: Kolam and the Medial Prefrontal Cortex

Self-reflection and self-awareness involve the ability to introspect and gain insight into one's thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. These cognitive processes are associated with the...

Relax and Create: Exploring the Parasympathetic Nervous System’s Response to Kolam

The parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) is one of the two branches of the autonomic nervous system, responsible for regulating the body's involuntary functions and...

Cerebellum: The Coordination Hub of the Brain and How Kolam Enhances It.

The cerebellum is a region of the brain located at the back and bottom of the skull, just below the cerebral hemispheres. It is...

Motor Skills and the Brain: Understanding Coordination and How Kolam Improves It

Motor skills coordination refers to the ability to perform precise movements and actions using different muscle groups in a coordinated manner. It involves the...

Neuroscience: The Role of Kolam in Brain Function

Kolam, a traditional art form, has been practiced for generations as a ritualistic and creative expression in South India. Beyond its cultural significance, recent...

The Brain’s Multi-Sensory Experience: Kolam and Sensory Integration

Sensory Integration and Processing Skills refer to the brain's ability to receive, interpret, and organize sensory information from various senses, such as vision, touch,...
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