Day 43/108 || Sharada || Draw Happiness Experience

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Bhargavii Mani
Bhargavii Mani
Bhargavii Mani returned to Chennai in 2010 after a successful stint in design firms abroad. Recognizing a gap in Chennai's Corporate Design scene, she founded Bhargavii Mani & Consultants in 2011. Her expertise in creative arts and strategy led to a diverse clientele. Beyond branding, she excels in photography, interior design, and promoting traditional South Indian art through the Kolam Podu project.

Project Draw Happiness

Every human desires happiness. For some, just looking at the sky brings happiness. Simple. A few others go to great lengths to acquire happiness. Like going on a cruise in Alaska. Expensive. Sometimes not doing anything at all brings happiness. Inexpensive.

At Kolam Podu, we bring you draw happiness. Nothing elaborate, nothing expensive but a simple ritualistic habit that for over 108 days we are going to provide you simple uncomplicated kolams for you to draw and be inspired.

Life is beautiful, if you choose for it to be. Until then Kolam Podu !

3 Years
Since posted

Finished since 1158 days, 13 hours and 13 minutes.


  1. Dear ma. I was trying to upload my kolam from 8.30 pm today for the contest. It says submitting. But didn’t submitt i think.but know its telling that i cannot submit new entries. Your uploading time is 11pm to night. N that entries should be submitable till 11. What should i do know.? Then whats the use of your contest. All waste of time.


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