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Draw Happiness

Day 10/108 || Vidya || Draw Happiness Experience

In continuation of the 8 top things that can make us happy, today we are going to be discussing the subject, Petting a pet.  Having...

Day 9/108 || Nitya || Draw Happiness Experience

Happiness, as we have repeatedly seen over the last few days, is a skill that can be acquired. Consistent practicing of this skill will...

Day 8/108 || Shyama || Draw Happiness Experience

“When I was 5 years old, my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they...

Day 5/108 || Sadhana || Draw Happiness Experience

Life is all about that fine balance. Neither too rushed, nor too slow, neither too sweet, nor too spicy. Kolam Podu, as you know,...

Day 4/108 || Shuddhi || Draw Happiness Experience

Dots, lines and gratitude explains Kolams best. Kolams are all about dots, lines, curves, going in swirls and curves and eventually creating a magical pattern....

Day 3/108 || Devi || Draw Happiness Experience

"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit". ~ Aristotle We talked about habits yesterday. Let’s delve deeper...

Day 2/108 || Shaila || Draw Happiness Experience

Life is all about habits, isn’t it? Depending on what those habits are, life turns out to be good, bad, ugly, productive, happy, meaningful,...

Day 1/108 || Turvi || Draw Happiness Experience

In a nutshell, Happiness is a feeling of positivity and pleasure. American existential psychologist Rollo May says that there is a distance between stimulus...

Day 70/108 || Matangi || Draw Happiness Experience

https://youtu.be/COGpwa_-gM4 https://www.kolampodu.com/2021/05/09/matangi-the-one-who-governs-speech-art-and/ Project Draw HappinessEvery human desires happiness. For some, just looking at the sky brings happiness. Simple. A few others go to great lengths to...

Day 69/108 || Gyaana || Draw Happiness Experience

https://youtu.be/PZ0FLLzm528 https://www.kolampodu.com/2021/05/08/gyaana-the-one-who-is-knowledgeable/ Project Draw HappinessEvery human desires happiness. For some, just looking at the sky brings happiness. Simple. A few others go to great lengths to...
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